Pride And Fall, the Norwegian electronic band of Sigve Monsen, Per Waagen, and Svein Joar Auglænd Johnsen have released their fifth studio album Red For The Dead – Black For The Mourning via Dependent Records and is now available on Bandcamp and the Dependent store.
The band explains their inspiration for the title Red For The Dead – Black For The Mourning: “According to Chinese burial tradition, you would protect yourself from a dead person’s spirit by wearing black. It is the colour of mourning. The dead can be dressed in any colour except for red. To dress the dead in red will leave them restless in their grave. Pride And Fall’s new album is just that: the black hole in your subconscious that you never want to seek, the freezing shivers you feel as you see the sun go down for the last time when endless night is about to begin.”
The album is co-produced by Krischan Wesenberg (Rotersand) and Christer Andre Cederberg (Tristania, Anathema).
1. The Angel At The Pillar
2. Army Of Ghosts
3. When Darkness Comes
4. Noises Within
5. Start Of A New Day
6. Broken Men
7. The Sentiment Was False
8. Pale
9. Red For The Dead, Black For The Mourning
bonus CD (only in Complete Edition):
1. Army Of Ghosts (Ginger Snap5 Remix)
2. When Darkness Comes (C-Lekktor Remix)
3. Broken Men (Nevarakka Remix)