Swedish Electro Scene has released its latest compilation of Swedish bands and solo artists. The massive 63-track Swedish Electro Volume 3 collection is available via Bandcamp at ‘name your price’ and follows the 2013 releases of Volume 1 and Volume 2 which are still available for download.
Bands included in Volume 3 include: Red Cell, Machinista, Frontadero, DELAYKLINIKEN, SPARK!, Walk with anything, OPTIC, Petition For Mercy, Anna Öberg, Obsession of Time, The Livelong June, Mechatronic, Erotic Elk, Cold Connection, Vogon Poetry, ANY MACHINE, Denormal, Heaven’s Elegance, My Own Sorrow, THE DEPARTMENT, Social Ambitions, Dpoint, Chaos All Stars, AELD, Finkseye, PUMPAN, M-linc, Asfalt, Andy Planck, Train To Spain, KAOS!, Love in progress Lip, eleKtroFish, Uncreated, N E U E L I E B E, Seppuku, Camelot, Electric City Cowboys, 2nd Happiest, Batman Bite Me, Blipblop, Zyntetix, Egoleucht, LIBRA, Viral Stealth, MODULAR PASSION, Sidewalk Cindy, EoV, HERSELF, PUMPAM & BEPPE,MADE IN HEAVEN, Presence | Of | Mind, Candide, Avantgarde, SALVATION, MUSIK FÖR LIK, Johan Baeckström Music, Nattskiftet, PATRIK PISTOL, HYACINTHUSET, STRAND, and Frohm.
Swedish Electro Volume 3 (December 2015)
Swedish Electro Volume 2 (December 2013)
Swedish Electro Volume 1 (January 2013)